Dear John Smith:
This email contains an emergency message from Jane Doe to you. Jane Doe has subscribed to a life monitoring and emergency messaging service with our company. You are receiving this message because Jane Doe has failed to respond to our periodic “proof of life” requests for too long. Jane Doe prepared the following emergency message for you specifically for this situation.
Please keep in mind that Jane Doe could be just fine. We just don’t know.
*** Start of Message from Jane Doe ***
Dear John,
If you are getting this message, there may be a problem. Please make sure that my
cat Fluffy and dog Fido are OK. They should be fed twice per day. Also, you should
know that my attorney, Jack Brown, has the latest copy of my Last Will and Living Will.
The attached PDF file includes important documents on how to run my retail business.
Love always,
*** End of Message from Jane Doe ***
Please confirm delivery of this message by clicking on the link below:
Web-Based Life Monitoring and Emergency Messaging